Plot prices woocommerce product (product price history)


Chart plugin to view price changes of woocommerce product.

  • 1-Place the Php code do_shortcode( ‘[chartprice]’ ); in the single page product.
  • 2-use shortcode [chartprice] in product post.
  • 3-change setting in woocommerce page setting.

Arbitrary section

  • for change format date use php code below in function.php file:


  • Plot in product
  • Settting


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


1-Place the Php code do_shortcode( ‘[chartprice]’ ); in the single page product.

2-use shortcode [chartprice] in product post.

3- for change format date use php code below in function.php file:

add_filter('chart_price_apply_filter_format_date', 'format_date');
function format_date($date)
$date=date('Y/m/d');//defult Y-m-d
return $date;


6 di Setembar dal 2024
The plugin in a simple product that costs €15.95 and on sale this at 14.36. In the chart the normal price appears at €5 and the promotional at €4. Beyond he does not consider the decimal value. In the case of variable products should only arise the table once the person selected the variation they intended to see.


18 di Fevrâr dal 2021
This is exactly what i was looking for but I couldn’t really understand the instructions, if possible can you give a step by step instruction? The chart is visible on my product page but the data are not accurate… And the php code snippet is exactly what? Kind regards
14 di Dicembar dal 2020
با درود وقتی محصول ساده میزنیم و قیمت رو میزنیم. بعدش ویژگی های محصول رو اضافه میکنیم نمودار نشون داده نمیشه و فقط جدول نمودار خالی رو میاره. اما وقتی به محصول متغیر تغییرش میدیم با همون ویژگی ها میاد. این یک مشکله. چطور میشه حلش کرد؟ البته برای محصول ساده اگر ویژگی وارد نکنیم میاره و مشکلی نیست. ممنون میشم رانمایی کنید. سپاس
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Contributors & Developers

“Plot prices woocommerce product (product price history)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




*head version of plugin


*chang js file to chart js


*add the variable product to plot