Plugin Tag: access
Almost Users Only
(3 total ratings)If logged in, the visitor can view all the pages/posts on the blog. If not logged in, the visitor can only view a specific public page.
Achievement Shortcode Add-On for BadgeOS
(0 total ratings)This BadgeOS Add-on adds a shortcode to show or hide content depending on the user having earned a specific achievement.
Demo Mode
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds an additional authentication layer to your WordPress installation to put the site into a demo- or maintainance-mode.
(0 total ratings)Control content access via a taxonomy that accepts user IDs, roles, or capabilities.
IP Blocker WP par JM Créa
(0 total ratings)Bloquez n’importe quelle adresse IP sur votre site (back et front) et soyez notifié par mail et sms.
(0 total ratings)This plugin is a full featured private post management interface. It allows you to manage all private post's publishing status via the "Mana …
Private Password Posts
(0 total ratings)Hide private posts and password protected posts in front end
Protected Content
(0 total ratings)Check if the user can see protected content (This is a proof of conenpt ONLY, do NOT use)
Groups Blog Protect
(1 total ratings)Protect access to blogs via group memberships powered by Groups.
User-Cats Manager
(0 total ratings)Provides to admin users a way to select what categorie determined users can write. (administrators have access to all categories)
Pageview content restriction
(0 total ratings)Restricts access to your Wordpress site after a certain number of pageviews.
(2 total ratings)Restrict your users access to different site sections like navs, widgets, blocks, pages, categories etc.
Security Assassin
(0 total ratings)It protects against third-party access the file system on your site Hide your site from users who did not login Hide your site from some users regist …
WS Redirect WP
(0 total ratings)Redirecting web page visitor to external page. External web page address is configurable
Was it you? Account login notifications
(0 total ratings)Send an email notification to users each time someone logs in from a new IP. This helps users figure out if someone accessed their accounts without th …
Web3devs NEAR Access Plugin
(0 total ratings)Limit access to Posts and Pages based on user's NEAR wallet content (NFTs).
Restrict post access – Simple
(0 total ratings)Restrict post access plugin is for restricting specific post/page to specific users. So only assigned registered users will able to see the post.