Plugin Tag: admin bar
SM Debug Bar
(0 total ratings)EASY TO USE! Dropdown console for wordperss enthusiasts to print and watch the value of PHP variables.
OCWS Admin Bar Greeting
(0 total ratings)This plugin enables the user to replace the ‘howdy’ greeting on the admin bar.
Development Environment Notification
(1 total ratings)This plugin adds a simple notification on the WP Admin bar to help the developer know if they are looking at development or production.
(0 total ratings)Limecall is a callback widget that enable your customers to speak to you instantly within few seconds and help you increase your web conversions.
Admin Keys
(1 total ratings)Admin Keys provide intuitive WordPress admin keyboard shortcuts for accessibility and efficiency
Admin Bar Menu for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)It adds a menu with some WooCommerce basic links on the WP Admin Bar.
Privacy Notice
(0 total ratings)This plugin simply adds a notice in the admin bar if search engines are not enabled. This plugin helps you check yo'self before you wreck yo' …
My Sites Menu Fixer
(0 total ratings)Shows the "My Sites" menu in three colums and sorts the sites alphabetically.
WP Mini Admin Bar
(0 total ratings)Makes the admin bar a small button on the left and expands on hover.
Toggle Admin Bar
(0 total ratings)Toggles the admin bar from view by adding "Hide Me" to the Admin menu.
Remove Admin Bar from Previews
(0 total ratings)Remove the admin bar from the preview of posts and pages, with optional reminder notification bar.
Add Custom Link to WordPress Admin Bar
(1 total ratings)Add the custom link to your wordpress admin bar
Better My Sites Menu
(2 total ratings)When using WordPress multisite, the "My Sites" menu item will be added to the admin bar. Out of the box, this menu has a few limitations:
IndoWP AdminBar On Off
(0 total ratings)Do you ever feel disturbed when viewing your site there is an overflow admin bar on the up side ? You can enable and disable it on your control panel …
Customizer Everywhere
(0 total ratings)Promote and enhance the use of customizer in more places; open post previews in the customizer and promote customize link to top of admin bar.
Blue Admin Bar
(3 total ratings)A pretty WordPress blue version of the admin bar. Supports BuddyPress when BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR is true. RTL support for 3.3.