Plugin Tag: affiliate
- Widget
(0 total ratings)Der Preisvergleich für Deinen WordPressBlog – Price Comparison Extension for your WordPress Blog.
Masoffer Dynamic Link
(0 total ratings)This plugin converts all links to products in the article into Affiliate Tracking links of MasOffer if publisher qualifies.
Affiliate Link Cookie Maker
(0 total ratings)To make sure affiliate link cookies are activated upon page visit and not by link clicking.
(0 total ratings)Give your visitors the freedom of choice with BookLinker, a WordPress plug-in that converts existing affiliate links (Amazon, IndieBound, Powell' …
Ashadee Ad Manager
(0 total ratings)Allows Malaysian bloggers to automatically add related ads from the Ashadee affiliate network, based on the keywords in your content.
TechGasp Coupon Master
(3 total ratings)Easy to use bombastic plugin that will be a great source of income for any wordpress webmaster using groupon api.
OSI Affiliate
(0 total ratings)OSI Affiliate plugin allows customers to add affiliate tracking code to a WordPress website. It makes it easy for you to create a referral marketing p …
Amazon Ranking
(0 total ratings)This widget shows Amazon Bestsellers, Hot New Releases, Most Gifted and Most Wished For.
Bixt – Turns Keyword Phrases into Your Affiliate Links
(1 total ratings)Bixt (through service) replaces keywords or keyword phrases with affiliate links that you define per keyword.
Escalate Network Affiliate Plugin
(1 total ratings)This Plugin Allows Affiliates of Escalate Network to access and post offers within WordPress. View a quick snapshot of your stats for today, yesterday …
Amazon Related Products
(2 total ratings)Add contextual Amazon products into your blog based on the tags or defined keywords.
WP-Amazon-Search widget
(0 total ratings)Add slick looking Amazon Search widgets to your blog posts in a brain-dead simple way! Just say [search] to add a Search widget anywhere on your blog.
Affiliates Referral for WC
(0 total ratings)This Plugin Helps you add referral rates to individual affiliates integrating with woocommerce product purchase.
Katalys Merchant Sales Bridge
(0 total ratings)Provides automatic order fulfillment integration with Katalys Shop orders for WooCommerce.
Affiliates Ready! Ecommerce Integration Light
(0 total ratings)This plugin integrates Affiliates with Ready! Ecommerce Shopping Cart.
Webgains Ads Widget
(0 total ratings)Webgains Ads Widget gives you an ability to fetch ad units from Webgains API, and then display them on your site via widgets.