Plugin Tag: embed
Embed Google Drive
(1 total ratings)Embed a link and preview of Google Drive Documents by pasting a shared document link into the editor.
Slidely Slideshows Embed
(11 total ratings)Easily embed photos and music slideshows from into your WordPress site.
Skip to Timestamp
(8 total ratings)Adds clickable links via shortcode or search-and-replace that skip to a time in a media player.
WP Theater
(5 total ratings)Shortcodes for YouTube and Vimeo. Includes embeds, "Theater" embed, thumbed previews, playlist, channel, user uploads and groups.
Better Core Video Embeds
(9 total ratings)A plugin which enhances the core embed block for Youtube, Daily Motion and Vimeo videos by not loading unnecessary scripts until they are needed.
Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap
(0 total ratings)Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap provides a basic proxy, which allows other OpenStreetMap plugins to load map tiles from your server instead from OpenStr …
Videos on Admin Dashboard
(1 total ratings)Include Youtube or Vimeo tutorials and support videos for your customers or for your Wordpress dashboard.
Calconic WordPress
(2 total ratings)Build a custom calculator on CALCONIC and easily add it to your WordPress site!
File Manager for Dropbox
(5 total ratings)File Manager for Dropbox to Media Library, Slider galleries, file browsing, embedding, download/view, Media Player.
Qualtrics Survey Embeds
(0 total ratings)Adds a Qualtrics Embed Handler to WordPress allowing for quick survey embeds.
(0 total ratings)Embed HTML content into your blog's posts, pages, titles, comments, and widgets with this powerful, easy-to-use plugin.
Wiki Embed
(8 total ratings)Wiki Embed lets you embed mediawiki pages in to your site, sites like Wikipedia
Gutenberg Block For Google Maps Embed By Pantheon
(2 total ratings)This plugin requires WordPress 5.0 or greater.
ThickBox Content
(0 total ratings)ThickBox Content provides a quick and easy way to insert any type of content into a thickbox (via page/post editor). It supports thickbox iFrame, Ajax …
External files in media library
(3 total ratings)Add external files to your media library to link or embed them in your website. They will be integrated as if they were locally available.
Embed Sendy
(6 total ratings)Embed Sendy subscription form, through a widget, shortcode, or as a Gutenberg block.