Plugin Tag: redirect
(0 total ratings)fix all kinds of 404s, fix broken link & images automatically,log each 404,redirect each broken link to specific URL,404 mail alert,export 404s,re …
Page Redirects – Redirect any Post, Page or Product
(0 total ratings)Set custom redirect URL for posts, pages and products.
WP Edit Redirect
(0 total ratings)Add "/wp-edit/" to the end of a page or post URL to redirect to the admin. Quick access to the backend to make changes on the fly!
Utilitify – Supercharge Your WordPress Site With Powerpack WordPress Utilities
(1 total ratings)Utilitify helps you enhance & customize your WordPress site. Power pack utilities of this plugin make people's live easier
Redirect non logged in users to custom URL
(0 total ratings)Redirect non logged in users to a custom URL of your choice.
Logged in
(1 total ratings)Allows you to close your site to non-logged in users, by redirecting them to the login page, displaying a message or a specific template file.
Wp Search Url
(2 total ratings)This plugin change default wordpres ?s=swadesh search URLs to the /search/swadesh .
Redirect anonymous users
(0 total ratings)Users who are not logged-in are redirected to a specific URL.
Login External Redirect
(0 total ratings)This plugin can redirect non users or not signed in users to any external or internal url.
Redirect 404 Page to Home
(0 total ratings)Divert all of the 404 broken pages to your home page. Manage 404 errors, and improve your site. No knowledge of Apache, htaccess or Nginx required.
Login Redirection Link
(1 total ratings)Redirects users to the previous url after login ( and logout ) by adding a redirection parameter to the links.
Redirect to Home
(0 total ratings)Perfect for one-page websites. 301 Redirects everything (404s, search, pages, posts, etc.) to your home / frontpage.
Redirect By Cookie
(0 total ratings)Redirect user by cookie value = Plugin Description = Redirect user by cookie value : from htaccess or earliest WP-CONFIG hook, to avoid WP loading.
Chat Icon
(4 total ratings)This plugin displays a chat icon at the bottom right of your website that redirects users to a specified chat URL.
LHL Environment Indicator, Email Redirect and Email Reroute
(0 total ratings)Colors the Admin bar to indicate the environment you're currently in, it can redirect and reroute outgoing emails.
WP Disable Attachment Pages
(1 total ratings)Redirects attachment pages to the parent post, or home page if no parent post exists.
Tm – WordPress Redirection
(0 total ratings)Redirect link from another web with rel = nofollow like vBulletin or normal redirect.